Stakeholders engagement. EOS Meeting on SINTETIC Project on wood traceability

On  11 September 2023, the European Organisation of the Sawmill Industries (EOS) organised an online meeting in order to have an exchange of view of the Sintetic objective between EOS Members and the project coordinator Dr. Gianni Picchi. Forests owners representatives such as EUSTAFOR and CEPF were also invited to attend the meeting and take part in the discussion.

Why Sintetic is relevant for the value chain:

1. SINTETIC will develop an innovative tracking technology based on X-ray computed tomography and optical sensors that will allow both to assess the quality of each board and relate it to the ID of the original log. This will disclose several benefits in the industrial process, such as reduction of downgraded boards and waste, optimization of drying process and an improved monitoring of the production capable of a more flexible demand-oriented response. Additionally, the innovative tracing system of SINTETIC will allow to strictly relate the data made available by each process with a unique flow of information.

2. Fighting illegal logging & enhancing traceability. SINTETIC will develop an improved all-weather monitoring system. This will be based on Copernicus satellite-delivered data and integrated with an automatic ground-truthing solution. The data for this last service will be sourced by monitoring legal forest operations featuring a dedicated machine control system. The ground truthing data will provide the exact position, number, and size of trees harvested in the given time span.