News Sintetic in the press All202320242025Forestry operations – II General Assembly for the Sintetic Project16.05.24 The General Assembly of Sintetic ended with an interesting visit tour aiming at learning more on the harvesting activities…May 16, 2024/Stakeholders engagement. EOS Meeting on SINTETIC Project on wood traceabilityOn 11 September 2023, the European Organisation of the Sawmill Industries (EOS) organised an online meeting in order to have…September 12, 2023/The project SINTETIC for Single Item Identification for Forest Production, Protection, and Management, kicks off The project will develop a new system that will enable customers buying wood products to track them all the way…July 20, 2023/Load MoreEnd of Content. Print 23/6/2023 (German) Projekt für europaweite Rückverfolgbarkeit von Schnittholz gestartet Radio 14/7/2023 (English) Newslatk with Garret Mullooly from TreeMetrics Digital 31/5/2024 (Dutch) Europese onderzoeksgroep Sintetic vordert in elektronisch traceren hout voor EUDR 4/9/2023 (Spanish) Arranca el proyecto SINTETIC de Identificación Única de Ítems para la Producción, Protección y Manejo Forestal
Forestry operations – II General Assembly for the Sintetic Project16.05.24 The General Assembly of Sintetic ended with an interesting visit tour aiming at learning more on the harvesting activities…May 16, 2024/
Stakeholders engagement. EOS Meeting on SINTETIC Project on wood traceabilityOn 11 September 2023, the European Organisation of the Sawmill Industries (EOS) organised an online meeting in order to have…September 12, 2023/
The project SINTETIC for Single Item Identification for Forest Production, Protection, and Management, kicks off The project will develop a new system that will enable customers buying wood products to track them all the way…July 20, 2023/